Saturday, August 10, 2019

Giving and Receiving pt.II (about the 'mark of the beast')

About the mark of the beast:


the no 6 is "of man" - re:doctrine/teaching/conscience

1st 6 - man made doctrine revolving around matters of material substance(abstinance as according to 1Tim4

2nd 6 - man made doctrine around perversion of intersexual relationships causing fornication by hypocritical use of abstinance

3rd 6 - man made doctrine that perverts God's freely given stewardship of all fruits of the earth and knowledgability

the phrase "on the right hand" directly and absolutely means THE WORKS OF ONES HANDS having the conscience of these three man made doctrines.

"on the forehead" literally means IN THE MIND AND THINKING OR BELIEF OF ONE containing the directives and what is known as the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION of which Jesus spoke of when he mentioned these times we are living in.

About "buying and selling":

When you look what is called the "transact" you see two things, a giving and a recieving.

The bible has it written and revealed to us, that "Giving is more blessed than receiving" in that "AS EVERYONE IS GIVING, ALL ARE RECEIVING".

The spirit of the world tries to perpetuate a FEAR of "non reception" that truly is A FIGMENT OF ANY'S IMAGINATION.

hence why also the bible reveals to us THE PURPOSE OF BEING even in the, or ANY SENSE OF HAVING sating (2Cor8:14)-"your abundance is a supply for their lack and their abundance is a supply for your lack"

This means that THERE IS NO FEAR IN "SEEKING TO GIVE", and "THERE IS NO HOPE without people(made in Gods Image) seeking to give".

The world, (babylon that harlot city-Rev17/18/19) simply tries to IMPLY(fearfully) tht there may seem to be some sort of restriction in any reception or giving, which is IMPOSSIBLE for anything to function EVEN FOR THE HYPOCRICY of the transact of which it politicalt FEEDS on giving and receiving.

The world's spirit of mammon tries to constrain one from any other kind of action or doings tht reffer to STRICTLY GIVING.

The fear attempts to operate against anyone receiving anything.


Freely giving (1)
Giving having something to receive as well(2)
Receiving and having something to give(3)
Freely receiving(4)

The world tries to say:


HAVIN (2&3) as a POLICY and "norm"



All together are norm begining with Jesus Saying "IT IS MORE BLESSED TO >>GIVE<< THAN RECEIVE"

For worldly refference of knowledge, there is such known as "Modern Money Mechanics", a documentation of the IMF given as to the basic fundamentals of "Reserve Banking" of which ALL is entirely based on the value of scarcity(inadequacy).

Anything getting a value from NOT BEING THERE or ANY GETTINGS OF VALUE FROM 'NON EXISTENCE' is blasphemouse hypocricy to any reality of identification for whatsoever said value is applied.

true stewardship and its across the board application of wisdom is given in 2 Corinthians 8:14 (your abundance is a supply for their lack and their abundance is a supply for your lack).

The immense destruction, invalidity and construct of the community confusion and desolate chaos from the conscience of scarcity is apparent across the face  of the earth as we know it just as is written in the book of revelation about the fall of this ancient evil.

Gods word is sound towards the redemption of all mankind in His giving of His Son both in death and especially resurrection FOR ALL so that all come to repentance and HAVING OF ETERNAL LIFE IN HIM.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

How the Early Church Let the Game Down

Acts 4:32-37

Acts6:1 reveals that there is such an activity of the Church called DAILY PROVISION that began as the church started to grow in Spirit and Truth applying all aspects of Stewardship as an example to the people around them of how much God has given us all to steward amongst each other freely.

This lines up directly with all scripture's revolving around how we ought to deal with the times we are living in as Gods Church.

Buy the truth and sell it not is a very serious proverbial reality that literaly within its old testament breaking carries the new testament even unto the book of revelation(chapter18) where it says "Babylon is fallen .... Come out of her my people.....Repay babylon double", meaning exactly such as to even go to the extent of creating an oposite "system" than that of the world.

This is why the purchasing of land was done as well as all other things that the Church may steward the fruits of the earth and life amongst all whom had never heard of or seen How Gods way of living was nor had been ever given any example concerning lifestyle other than what the babylonian spirit employed amongst the world in its wisdom.

The early church, no matter how many people it saw itself in number, did not carry the misconception that most self professing christians do today when they adress, speak of, think of, the worlds system saying things like "that is how thing are" and "there is nothing to do about it" or whatever reasoning anyone might use in fear of how things would turn out without money's involvment between brethren
and sisters.

Acts 9:11-14 enforces James1:25/2Cor3:17

Love Thy Enemy #LTGD

Love Thy Enemy

#LTGD (Let.The.Game.Down)

Jesus gave us clear instruction that needs no voicing or furtherance to LOVE OUR ENEMIES.

He duly noted that even evil people found it easy to love those who loved them, the REAL TASK is to love those who DO NOT LOVE YOU.

This i believe is where most charismatic teachings that led people into their comfort zones focused on the transient of occupational conquering revolving around attaiment of objects and their stewardship but did not focus much on the unseen PRINCIPLE MATTER of those people who often missunderstand SPIRIT AND TRUTH CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIANITY as well as those who persecute and persist in resistance to what God is doing on the face of the earth.


This does not mean anything vicious as most people interpret, but is said such to motivate anyone judgement of response of VENGEANCE to give GOD place and to KEEP ON and MAINTAIN LOVING in the face of persecution, which means THEIR CONSCIENCE WILL BE SEARED by your persistence in Loving them as you love yourself, which is the GREATEST commandment.

Jesus also gave comparison between evil and good people giving gifts to their children saying "even when an evil person child asks for an egg, they do not give them a stone or a scorpion, so how much more do you think your heavenly father loves you?" from which can be taken "DONT FORGET TO SHOW THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU THAT PERSECUTION IS NOT AN ANSWER TO ANYTHING" as wisdom counts Gods example of gift giving in His Glory for such matters.



Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Underlying Truth About Multiple sexual relations

The truth about having multiple sexual relationship or even inward or outward orients, is that they are actualy of a homo sexual nature.

One has to examine the principle of any allowance which would inevitably be saying "you want to put your private parts where another man/woman's go, will go".

It is impossible for anyone to sanely exit the singular expression of husbandry when infact each person is given two hands and one body to hold one other of themselves by the same singularity of the no of sexual instruments they have.

The world has perverted fidelity and faithulness with ackward and moraly lacking expressions of thrill in the publicly putting out of ones husbandry, thus becoming a tertiary or third party justifier of any couples sexual nature and competence toward each other.

For the sakes that clothing is often looked at with the wrong moral standards leaves many of our sisters at the whims of self esteem, as some brothers follow having their husbandry void, each now filled with multiplicit confusion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Giving and Receiving

Acts 20:35

(1)- freely giving
(2)- freely giving & freely receiving
(3)- freely receiving and freely giving
(4)- freely receiving


this is standard and normal as is in heaven on earth.

it truly is (1)-(4)

(2)-(3) alone is a lying policy, it is the midst of Liberty -James 1:25

in the beginning of the book of acts, the saints set up a stewardship of the standard way of living having all things in common amongst one another blessing all with a more fruitful way of living than that of the world shown in revelation chapters 17/18/19

this is truly the fulcrum of Gods redemption and reconciliation of all nations tribes and tongues 7/11/14

for the promise that is to come 20(21&22) is indeed with us here as Christ is come in the flesh and He is our Testimony

Examples of popular misquotes & wrong refferecing of bible verse

Misquote 1 - faith without works is dead (in order to promote works of profit and gain) The Truth is that FAITH WORKS

Misquote 2 - Be not drunk with wine in which there is excess but be filled with the spirit (to promote abstinance of alcoholic beverages/certain foods & meats or that the idea of drunkeness comes from partaking of anything physical)

2(b) - the body is the temple of the lord (used to promote food/beverage abstinance but really comes from speaking about SEXUAL IMORALITY)

Misquote 3 - do not forsake the gathering (to promote institutional gathering apart from Spirit and Truth which will ALWAYS be the larger gathering having the book of revelation chapters 20 & 22 of New Jerusalem saying "no temple"(built with man made hands, a cubit being a "per-se of a Person/MESSENGER/ANGEL as hebrew translates")

Missquote 4 - the "keeping of virgins"(to promote polygamous ideas) when this speaks of any brother living around sisters not to be given to giving their sisters in marriage and to let them have their own husbands each as oneness of flesh accords to their own liberty

Missquote 5 - the wearing of white garments (to promote a fleshly/physicaly/outwardly godliness) white means RIGHTEOUS and such relates to Jesus being girded to the paps in the book of Revelation.

Missquote 6 - the love of money is the root of all evil (to promote that God accept/is tolerating/condones the worlds idea of monetary economics). This statement brings one to analyse if anything with all evil is good knowing a tree with all evil fruits has no fruits at all, and such root is mentioned for sakes that no fruit means no seed, away from comparison with fleshy trees and plants which can offshoot from branches, which shows that it is not a good thing for such to even be so. re Acts 20:35 (Giving and Receiving)

Missquote 7 - marriage binding to unbelievers (slowly dissregarding >>departure<< issues that come with the teachings that go along with unbelieving of Gods institution of marriage(ONENESS OF FLESH) being unto eternity. attempting to say as if one should accomodate flirting/inordinate affection/inward & outward departure from oneness of flesh - there are physical effects as well as those of conscience in SPIRIT AND TRUTH. we thank God for Honouring the Bed of oneness of flesh(marriage bed)

Missquote 8 - *regarding teachers of the word and congregational adress i.e "Spiritual fathers/mothers") Jesus said the only teacher is the holy Spirit even when he himself was confronted about his flesh being the teaching orient, as well as pointing out in Spirit and truth about those who come in His name saying they are he or pointing out demographic specific to describe church or the kingdom of God.

Missquote 9 - the ruler of this world is coming and even now there are many antichrists(to promote the idea that the devil will have some sort of flourishing reign)

Misquote 10 - the earth will bear thorns and briers (to promote the idea as if the devil has ever created anything)
The thief comes to steal kill and destroy
Everything on earth and in heaven has been reconciled to the Father in heaven through His Son whom has given us the ministry of reconciliation of people and their faith away from the corruption of worldly wisdom (1Corinthians8-11/1Timothy4/Colossians2/James1:25)

The devil only tries to use vessels of conscience to push man toward demonic activity

Referencing issues pertain to reading charscterism of person from the NT via the OT when infact the bible is read OT via NT meaning Jesus is the Revelation and the word of God in us all even our Testimony AND Spirit of Prophecy.

Wrong refferencing 1 - OT "body marking" issues - Philipians 3:3

Wrong refferencing 2 - OT food abstinance - some told not to eat pork but still drank wine. those told not to drink wine still ate pork and those who ate vegtables were also amongst meaning there was cleansing of food(returning to sound doctrine) that needed to be realised not abstinance. re:1Timothy4(sound doctrine)

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Dowry & Lobola pt.2 (Letting The Game Down In Your Marriage)

A lot of people do not realise the outright hypocricy towards Gods institution of mariage that the invention of "dowry" or "bridal PRICE" as it truly is.

Often people will give the example of Jacob and Laban when Jacob came to get Laban's daughter's hand in marriage.

Because people often try to JUSTIFY the rights of "bridal pricing", they take laban's side and skip ANY SORT OF ACKNWLDGEMENT OF WRONG DOING ON HIS PART and immediately suppose "well Jacob had to WORK seven years FOR THE WIFE HE WANTED", yet it is FAILED mentality that cannot even acknowledge that the entire SWITCHING OF BRIDES at the last moment AND WITHOUT THE RECEIVING HUSBANDS KNOWLEDGE is in fact AN EVIL ACT and not anything rhat justifies 1)BRIDAL PRICE or even 2)MULTIPLE MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS, as many people even forget to see how throughout the old testament, one of Gods sovreign struggles was to reinstate MONOGOMY as in ONE HUSBAND ONE WIFE, which because of man made traditiona being incorrectly splashed across mosaic law, had begun to embrace the very evil that was the problem in the first place.

Frankly speaking, Jacob would have had ONE WIFE if it had not been for the GREED and jealousy that Laban portrayed in causing Jacobs marriage to become a TRAP.

Take note, that it is also EVIL that rachel or leah had no say nor ability to SPEAK OUT even ON THEIR OWN BEHALF, one being given the chance to say "you cant force him to pay for my hand in marriage, it is not for sale, if you want a gift, we will both return with it when we have something because GOD WILL HONOUR OUR MARRIAGE" and countering the deceitful act that was conceiled by the traditional BEING GIVEN IN MARRAIGE as oposed to GIVING ONESELF IN MARRIAGE BASED UPON MUTUAL COMMITMENT(Between Her and Jacob exclusively).

It should be taken note of, a couple of scriptures such as when Jesus adressed the Pharisees and saducees about following the tradition of their forefathers by washing hands and had to also highlight the CURSE of "Corban Law" where the idea pf bridal price and dowry come from, stipulating that children are something that parents aught to PROFIT FROM.

Such teaching renders the girl child and male child helpless to or exposed to different influences that rationalize ones husbandry with the wrong conditions and foundation that are ALWAYS rooted on MONEY or spme sort of alterior MATERIAL VALUE which causes them to exageratedly objectify their husbandry and idea of marriage.

Mathew 15:1-11 where people do not realise that he is saying that man made tradition around attempting to apply THIRD PARTY sanctification makes the power of God come to no effect.

This should be THOROUGHLY looked at when it comes to what people call "church doctrine" and the reality that there are no such prerequsites writen of in the bible about relationships.

The error in man made judgement can be examined in this manner.

As i have just said, the institution of mariage sanctity and the ONENESS OF FLESH between TWO(a male and female) of which answerable question is unto eternity, HAS NOT CHANGED SINCE ADAMS conceived gift of His Helper Eve in the garden of eden.

Gen 2:23 And Adam said, This [is] now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Gen 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

THIS does not TRADITIONALY(according to man) add the words "father and mother'S HOUSE" as most african and ome modernised western kinds of culture try to persist about the idea and consecration of the FACILITATION of marriage and marital relationships between spouses of ALL ages.

IN FACT, the FOLLOWNG and END LINE of the chapter exposes MORE the FOLLY of the Worlds exageration and denial of the SANCTITY of "FLESHLY NAKEDNESS", where husbandry is comoromised for public sexual apeal, reasoned and bargained with via degrees of personality and peer status as well as envisioned as a sense and idea of "success", and yhen manipualted and used as a form of entertainemt in all these twisted forms of presentation by means of the ideal sanctity of nakedness as it etirely pertains to husbandry.

Gen 2:25 And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

Since adam and eve were the ONLY man and woman on the earth at that time, THIS MEANS NAKEDNES IS >>>STRICTLY<<< BETWEEN A HUSBAND AND HIS WIFE and is to have NO APEAL of OTHER PUBLIC INFLUENTIAL as well as acknowledging that THIS PUBLIC INFLUENTIAL >>IS THE REASON FOR CLOTHING<< meaning FOR ANY ENCOUNTERS OR CONSIDERATION OF PUBLIC NATURE (covering/girding/concealment/preservation of husbandry) IS TO BE CONSIDERED.

Giving and Receiving pt.II (about the &#39;mark of the beast&#39;)

About the mark of the beast : Rev13:17 the no 6 is " of man " - re:doctrine/teaching/conscience 1st 6 - man made doctrine rev...