Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Underlying Truth About Multiple sexual relations

The truth about having multiple sexual relationship or even inward or outward orients, is that they are actualy of a homo sexual nature.

One has to examine the principle of any allowance which would inevitably be saying "you want to put your private parts where another man/woman's go, will go".

It is impossible for anyone to sanely exit the singular expression of husbandry when infact each person is given two hands and one body to hold one other of themselves by the same singularity of the no of sexual instruments they have.

The world has perverted fidelity and faithulness with ackward and moraly lacking expressions of thrill in the publicly putting out of ones husbandry, thus becoming a tertiary or third party justifier of any couples sexual nature and competence toward each other.

For the sakes that clothing is often looked at with the wrong moral standards leaves many of our sisters at the whims of self esteem, as some brothers follow having their husbandry void, each now filled with multiplicit confusion.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Giving and Receiving

Acts 20:35

(1)- freely giving
(2)- freely giving & freely receiving
(3)- freely receiving and freely giving
(4)- freely receiving


this is standard and normal as is in heaven on earth.

it truly is (1)-(4)

(2)-(3) alone is a lying policy, it is the midst of Liberty -James 1:25

in the beginning of the book of acts, the saints set up a stewardship of the standard way of living having all things in common amongst one another blessing all with a more fruitful way of living than that of the world shown in revelation chapters 17/18/19

this is truly the fulcrum of Gods redemption and reconciliation of all nations tribes and tongues 7/11/14

for the promise that is to come 20(21&22) is indeed with us here as Christ is come in the flesh and He is our Testimony

Examples of popular misquotes & wrong refferecing of bible verse

Misquote 1 - faith without works is dead (in order to promote works of profit and gain) The Truth is that FAITH WORKS

Misquote 2 - Be not drunk with wine in which there is excess but be filled with the spirit (to promote abstinance of alcoholic beverages/certain foods & meats or that the idea of drunkeness comes from partaking of anything physical)

2(b) - the body is the temple of the lord (used to promote food/beverage abstinance but really comes from speaking about SEXUAL IMORALITY)

Misquote 3 - do not forsake the gathering (to promote institutional gathering apart from Spirit and Truth which will ALWAYS be the larger gathering having the book of revelation chapters 20 & 22 of New Jerusalem saying "no temple"(built with man made hands, a cubit being a "per-se of a Person/MESSENGER/ANGEL as hebrew translates")

Missquote 4 - the "keeping of virgins"(to promote polygamous ideas) when this speaks of any brother living around sisters not to be given to giving their sisters in marriage and to let them have their own husbands each as oneness of flesh accords to their own liberty

Missquote 5 - the wearing of white garments (to promote a fleshly/physicaly/outwardly godliness) white means RIGHTEOUS and such relates to Jesus being girded to the paps in the book of Revelation.

Missquote 6 - the love of money is the root of all evil (to promote that God accept/is tolerating/condones the worlds idea of monetary economics). This statement brings one to analyse if anything with all evil is good knowing a tree with all evil fruits has no fruits at all, and such root is mentioned for sakes that no fruit means no seed, away from comparison with fleshy trees and plants which can offshoot from branches, which shows that it is not a good thing for such to even be so. re Acts 20:35 (Giving and Receiving)

Missquote 7 - marriage binding to unbelievers (slowly dissregarding >>departure<< issues that come with the teachings that go along with unbelieving of Gods institution of marriage(ONENESS OF FLESH) being unto eternity. attempting to say as if one should accomodate flirting/inordinate affection/inward & outward departure from oneness of flesh - there are physical effects as well as those of conscience in SPIRIT AND TRUTH. we thank God for Honouring the Bed of oneness of flesh(marriage bed)

Missquote 8 - *regarding teachers of the word and congregational adress i.e "Spiritual fathers/mothers") Jesus said the only teacher is the holy Spirit even when he himself was confronted about his flesh being the teaching orient, as well as pointing out in Spirit and truth about those who come in His name saying they are he or pointing out demographic specific to describe church or the kingdom of God.

Missquote 9 - the ruler of this world is coming and even now there are many antichrists(to promote the idea that the devil will have some sort of flourishing reign)

Misquote 10 - the earth will bear thorns and briers (to promote the idea as if the devil has ever created anything)
The thief comes to steal kill and destroy
Everything on earth and in heaven has been reconciled to the Father in heaven through His Son whom has given us the ministry of reconciliation of people and their faith away from the corruption of worldly wisdom (1Corinthians8-11/1Timothy4/Colossians2/James1:25)

The devil only tries to use vessels of conscience to push man toward demonic activity

Referencing issues pertain to reading charscterism of person from the NT via the OT when infact the bible is read OT via NT meaning Jesus is the Revelation and the word of God in us all even our Testimony AND Spirit of Prophecy.

Wrong refferencing 1 - OT "body marking" issues - Philipians 3:3

Wrong refferencing 2 - OT food abstinance - some told not to eat pork but still drank wine. those told not to drink wine still ate pork and those who ate vegtables were also amongst meaning there was cleansing of food(returning to sound doctrine) that needed to be realised not abstinance. re:1Timothy4(sound doctrine)

Giving and Receiving pt.II (about the &#39;mark of the beast&#39;)

About the mark of the beast : Rev13:17 the no 6 is " of man " - re:doctrine/teaching/conscience 1st 6 - man made doctrine rev...