Saturday, August 10, 2019

Giving and Receiving pt.II (about the 'mark of the beast')

About the mark of the beast:


the no 6 is "of man" - re:doctrine/teaching/conscience

1st 6 - man made doctrine revolving around matters of material substance(abstinance as according to 1Tim4

2nd 6 - man made doctrine around perversion of intersexual relationships causing fornication by hypocritical use of abstinance

3rd 6 - man made doctrine that perverts God's freely given stewardship of all fruits of the earth and knowledgability

the phrase "on the right hand" directly and absolutely means THE WORKS OF ONES HANDS having the conscience of these three man made doctrines.

"on the forehead" literally means IN THE MIND AND THINKING OR BELIEF OF ONE containing the directives and what is known as the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION of which Jesus spoke of when he mentioned these times we are living in.

About "buying and selling":

When you look what is called the "transact" you see two things, a giving and a recieving.

The bible has it written and revealed to us, that "Giving is more blessed than receiving" in that "AS EVERYONE IS GIVING, ALL ARE RECEIVING".

The spirit of the world tries to perpetuate a FEAR of "non reception" that truly is A FIGMENT OF ANY'S IMAGINATION.

hence why also the bible reveals to us THE PURPOSE OF BEING even in the, or ANY SENSE OF HAVING sating (2Cor8:14)-"your abundance is a supply for their lack and their abundance is a supply for your lack"

This means that THERE IS NO FEAR IN "SEEKING TO GIVE", and "THERE IS NO HOPE without people(made in Gods Image) seeking to give".

The world, (babylon that harlot city-Rev17/18/19) simply tries to IMPLY(fearfully) tht there may seem to be some sort of restriction in any reception or giving, which is IMPOSSIBLE for anything to function EVEN FOR THE HYPOCRICY of the transact of which it politicalt FEEDS on giving and receiving.

The world's spirit of mammon tries to constrain one from any other kind of action or doings tht reffer to STRICTLY GIVING.

The fear attempts to operate against anyone receiving anything.


Freely giving (1)
Giving having something to receive as well(2)
Receiving and having something to give(3)
Freely receiving(4)

The world tries to say:


HAVIN (2&3) as a POLICY and "norm"



All together are norm begining with Jesus Saying "IT IS MORE BLESSED TO >>GIVE<< THAN RECEIVE"

For worldly refference of knowledge, there is such known as "Modern Money Mechanics", a documentation of the IMF given as to the basic fundamentals of "Reserve Banking" of which ALL is entirely based on the value of scarcity(inadequacy).

Anything getting a value from NOT BEING THERE or ANY GETTINGS OF VALUE FROM 'NON EXISTENCE' is blasphemouse hypocricy to any reality of identification for whatsoever said value is applied.

true stewardship and its across the board application of wisdom is given in 2 Corinthians 8:14 (your abundance is a supply for their lack and their abundance is a supply for your lack).

The immense destruction, invalidity and construct of the community confusion and desolate chaos from the conscience of scarcity is apparent across the face  of the earth as we know it just as is written in the book of revelation about the fall of this ancient evil.

Gods word is sound towards the redemption of all mankind in His giving of His Son both in death and especially resurrection FOR ALL so that all come to repentance and HAVING OF ETERNAL LIFE IN HIM.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

How the Early Church Let the Game Down

Acts 4:32-37

Acts6:1 reveals that there is such an activity of the Church called DAILY PROVISION that began as the church started to grow in Spirit and Truth applying all aspects of Stewardship as an example to the people around them of how much God has given us all to steward amongst each other freely.

This lines up directly with all scripture's revolving around how we ought to deal with the times we are living in as Gods Church.

Buy the truth and sell it not is a very serious proverbial reality that literaly within its old testament breaking carries the new testament even unto the book of revelation(chapter18) where it says "Babylon is fallen .... Come out of her my people.....Repay babylon double", meaning exactly such as to even go to the extent of creating an oposite "system" than that of the world.

This is why the purchasing of land was done as well as all other things that the Church may steward the fruits of the earth and life amongst all whom had never heard of or seen How Gods way of living was nor had been ever given any example concerning lifestyle other than what the babylonian spirit employed amongst the world in its wisdom.

The early church, no matter how many people it saw itself in number, did not carry the misconception that most self professing christians do today when they adress, speak of, think of, the worlds system saying things like "that is how thing are" and "there is nothing to do about it" or whatever reasoning anyone might use in fear of how things would turn out without money's involvment between brethren
and sisters.

Acts 9:11-14 enforces James1:25/2Cor3:17

Love Thy Enemy #LTGD

Love Thy Enemy

#LTGD (Let.The.Game.Down)

Jesus gave us clear instruction that needs no voicing or furtherance to LOVE OUR ENEMIES.

He duly noted that even evil people found it easy to love those who loved them, the REAL TASK is to love those who DO NOT LOVE YOU.

This i believe is where most charismatic teachings that led people into their comfort zones focused on the transient of occupational conquering revolving around attaiment of objects and their stewardship but did not focus much on the unseen PRINCIPLE MATTER of those people who often missunderstand SPIRIT AND TRUTH CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIANITY as well as those who persecute and persist in resistance to what God is doing on the face of the earth.


This does not mean anything vicious as most people interpret, but is said such to motivate anyone judgement of response of VENGEANCE to give GOD place and to KEEP ON and MAINTAIN LOVING in the face of persecution, which means THEIR CONSCIENCE WILL BE SEARED by your persistence in Loving them as you love yourself, which is the GREATEST commandment.

Jesus also gave comparison between evil and good people giving gifts to their children saying "even when an evil person child asks for an egg, they do not give them a stone or a scorpion, so how much more do you think your heavenly father loves you?" from which can be taken "DONT FORGET TO SHOW THOSE WHO PERSECUTE YOU THAT PERSECUTION IS NOT AN ANSWER TO ANYTHING" as wisdom counts Gods example of gift giving in His Glory for such matters.



Giving and Receiving pt.II (about the &#39;mark of the beast&#39;)

About the mark of the beast : Rev13:17 the no 6 is " of man " - re:doctrine/teaching/conscience 1st 6 - man made doctrine rev...