Wednesday, January 30, 2019

How you Can "Let The Game Down" Each Day


Wake up each day and take some items of foodstuffs with you on ANY journey that you embrak on, even if a short distance. You never know whp you will meet that has had nothing to eat for some time.

Things You Dont Need

Each day wake up. Look around where you live for anything that you are no longer in need of or not using.

Make it a point to carry it around with you and occasionaly ask or make an effort to find someone who needs it and give it to them freely.

The lord will repay you where people cannot see.

Extra Living Space

If you find yo have extra living space, make it a point to prepare a place for someone extra to stay and dwell, preferably someone who does not have a home or anywhere else to go.


Take some time out occasionaly to visit those kind of people who are sick or imprisoned somehow. Visit your local hospital with some fruit or food, or even just go with your bible and read with someone and help them with things that they do not understand.

Charity is the greatest gift and this is an outworking extension of love to visit the sick imprisoned and the orphans and widows.


These basic steps build a lifestyle of selfless orient and seeking Gods kingdom.

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