Sunday, March 24, 2019

Video Games Exposed pt.1

Video Games is the seccond song on the "Let the game down" Playlist.

For proper guidance, let us examine this scripture

2Co 10:5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

Imagination - (worldly definition) the ability to bring to though or "conjur" thoughts of a matter, situation or circumstance, usualy in context of "what isn't" via "what might be".

Imagination & Conscience

This verse comes after we have been given the identy of our weapons which are not carnal(of the flesh), and here we can see that the "imagination" reffered to here is one that is a high thing exalting above God.

Since imagination is an issue of the mind, we know that CONSCIENCE is involved and thus we are given the conscience OF GOD.

The world however, thrives on the DWINDLING of consicence via use of EXAGERATED/EXCESS imaginaton that does not remain in the fulness and soundness of Gods conscience given to man through his son Jesus Christ.

Video Games

The term "video games" means things created in visual in order to distract or evasively preocupy the mind and conscience of man with imagination.

We know that Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God, and also that what is known as media in most visual forms carries an element of sound to it in order to make it more "apealing".

Here we have issues with the presentation of things pertaining to the conscience of man made in Gods image, versus the concience that the world tries to give us.

As for literal video games, like playstation, psp, nintendo, x-box, or even computer and cellphones, these same things do apply even in their seemingly harmless or innocent placement in time spending and concentration of the mind and hearts desire as to the light of the eyes being a lamp to our bodies (Mat 6:22).

The most excersize besides the imagination and mind that a literal video game console can give you is what is known as "hand eye co-ordination" of which is bodily excersize where Godliness covers this area (1Timothy4) in ways that the world does not understand of its own wisdom.

The rest of it is in the principles of imagination where one must ask themselves what their true interest is in wha they are seeing.

Faith is ALWAYS involved in that one renews their mind through te word of God and it is good to set their eyes, mind and doing on as well as keep them in.

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